February 6, 2025

When Cities Need a Better and More Durable Sewerage Option, VCP Pipes Might Hold the Answer

Therefore, for cities to develop more comprehensively, to provide humanity with better and more durable sewage systems, and thereby to establish goals of healthy living and healthy communities, the use of VCP sewage pipes should be the only choice for responsible governments, developers, and engineers.

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Humanity has long understood the importance of drainage and sewage management. Without proper systems in place, there can be severe pollution and damage to water sources and the environment, leading to the spread of diseases that can greatly impact human health.

Therefore, over 9,000 years ago in ancient China, systems for drainage and sewage were invented. The wisdom of our ancestors left behind countless treasures, and even today, some of their designs and concepts remain worthy of our study.

In the Peiligang culture site, the earliest drainage system in China was discovered, dating back over 9,000 years. In the ancient city of the Longshan culture period, clay pipes used for drainage were found. These carefully crafted clay pipes could be interconnected, representing some of the earliest examples of clay pipe systems, with a history of over 4,000 years.

Similarly, archaeologists excavated “T” and “L” shaped clay pipe joints from the Babylonian era’s Temple of Bel, dating back to around 4,000 BC.

You may be surprised by these discoveries, but what is perhaps more surprising is that clay pipes have been widely used in drainage and sewage systems for over 9,000 years. The key emphasis here is why clay pipes continue to be the superior choice for drainage and sewage systems.

The answer is simple: the quality and lifespan of clay pipes, as well as their robust resistance to corrosion, make them a trusted material for key components in drainage and sewage systems, ensuring peace of mind for users. Imagine a pipeline that can last over two centuries* without damage. What a concept! Regardless of how many generations have used it, sewage has flowed through these pipes for more than two centuries while they maintain optimal condition. What other product can boast such a high cost-effectiveness?

Certainly, progress brings change, including changes in materials used. This has led to the emergence of drainage and sewage pipes made from various other materials in recent years. However, change does not necessarily equate to improvement. Environmental pollution from producing these alternative pipes, their short lifespan, frequent replacement of damaged pipes damaging soil structure, increased burden of traffic volume in cities based on the frequent maintenance and replacement of damaged pipelines, and waste of public funds (taxpayer money) are all greater costs that must be borne after choosing cheaper sewage pipes.

Therefore, for cities to develop more comprehensively, to provide humanity with better and more durable sewage systems, and thereby to establish goals of healthy living and healthy communities, the use of VCP sewage pipes should be the only choice for responsible governments, developers, and engineers.

* In the United States (as of 2015 records), the longest-lived clay pipe was found in Washington DC, installed in 1815 and still in use after 209 years. Five cities have clay pipes installed and in use for over 158 years, and 25 cities have clay pipes installed and in use for over 130 years.

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